1. We will live our core values of Integrity, Teamwork, Communication, Service and Continuous Improvement on a daily basis. We will treat you respectfully and professionally, always be truthful and honor our commitments made to you.
2. You will receive a Lock Confirmation by email the day you lock in your rate. The Lock Confirmation will confirm your loan program, loan amount, rate, points and fees.
3. You will be contacted by a Shoreline Mortgage Associate within 24 hours of receipt of your online loan application. We will email you a list of any additional supporting documentation that may be required and provide you with an email and fax number to send the information to us.
4. You or your realtor will be contacted by an appraiser within two working days of receipt of your loan application and appraisal fee to schedule an appointment to appraise your property.
5. We will email you the day your loan is approved by an underwriter. On purchase transactions, we will also provide a Pre-Approval letter.
6. We will email you an Estimated Closing Disclosure to review and approve prior to drawing your loan closing documents.
7. All email and telephone messages received during business hours will be returned the same day. Email and telephone messages received after business hours will be returned by noon the next business day.
8. On purchase transactions, we will submit your final loan documents to your closing agent for signing at least two business days prior to your scheduled closing date. We will fund your loan in sufficient time to meet your scheduled closing date.
9. On refinance transactions, we will do our very best to close your loan within 21 days (30 days in times of high volume).
10 We will handle all information and documentation you provide us with the strictest of care and never disclose your information to parties unrelated to the loan process. Documentation containing account numbers or social security numbers that is no longer needed will be shredded.
11. We, the associates of Shoreline Mortgage, individually and collectively commit ourselves to make every effort to ensure compliance with this Commitment to Customer Service.

1. We will live our core values of Integrity, Teamwork, Communication, Service and Continuous Improvement on a daily basis. We will treat you respectfully and professionally, always be truthful and honor our commitments made to you.
2. You will receive a Lock Confirmation by email the day you lock in your rate. The Lock Confirmation will confirm your loan program, loan amount, rate, points and fees.
3. You will be contacted by a Shoreline Mortgage Associate within 24 hours of receipt of your online loan application. We will email you a list of any additional supporting documentation that may be required and provide you with an email and fax number to send the information to us.
4. You or your realtor will be contacted by an appraiser within two working days of receipt of your loan application and appraisal fee to schedule an appointment to appraise your property.
5. We will email you the day your loan is approved by an underwriter. On purchase transactions, we will also provide a Pre-Approval letter.
6. We will email you an Estimated Closing Disclosure to review and approve prior to drawing your loan closing documents.
7. All email and telephone messages received during business hours will be returned the same day. Email and telephone messages received after business hours will be returned by noon the next business day.
8. On purchase transactions, we will submit your final loan documents to your closing agent for signing at least two business days prior to your scheduled closing date. We will fund your loan in sufficient time to meet your scheduled closing date.
9. On refinance transactions, we will do our very best to close your loan within 21 days (30 days in times of high volume).
10 We will handle all information and documentation you provide us with the strictest of care and never disclose your information to parties unrelated to the loan process. Documentation containing account numbers or social security numbers that is no longer needed will be shredded.
11. We, the associates of Shoreline Mortgage, individually and collectively commit ourselves to make every effort to ensure compliance with this Commitment to Customer Service.